Welcoming. Loving. Serving.
Welcome to the website for St John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church in New Ferry, Birkenhead. Within this website we want to show you what we are offering to our parish community by way of services, prayer groups, news and weekly updates, thoughts and considerations. We want you to know that you are welcome to come and visit us at the times when we are open and/or to contact us at any time.
All Are Welcome
We are an old parish that is still very young at heart. We are a welcoming parish whose doors are open to one and to all. Truly, all are welcome in this place. We are a vibrant parish in which there are many groups and opportunities for prayer and personal development. Like so many other places of worship, we are recovering from the impacts of COVID-19 and the various lockdowns. We are coming back together again after the enforced separation and are starting to rebuild our numbers and our activities. We are growing in our family-attendance and the participation of our younger children, helped by our close and positive contact with our local junior school.
Mass Times
Sunday Mass - 9:30am
Saturday Vigil - 5pm
See Newsletter for weekday Mass times, Holy days, devotions and prayer groups.
Parish Pastoral Team
Our parish is run by our Parish Pastoral Team (PPT), led by our Parish Priest. He works closely with our deacon, Reverend Mike Daly, and several members of the parish who have volunteered to lead particular sections or groups within the parish. These members report on the actions their groups are taking and seek additional help or aid whenever it is needed from the wider parish. This PPT manages certain areas for and on behalf of the parish such as Health and Safety of the parish buildings and all users of them; the Finance Team does what it says on the tin! Other groups such as SVP, the Eucharistic Ministers, the Readers, the Children’s Liturgy Group, the Confirmation and Baptism Catechists, Devotions and the Bebington Churches Together – are all represented.