Christmas Day

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that today is all that you had hoped it would be and that it is full of every joy and blessing for you and for your family.

I hope that within the busyness and hullaballoo that can be Christmas Day for many people, you find a moment to and for yourselves. A moment when you can sit back, rest, relax and quietly rejoice in the fact that this is our Saviour’s birthday. This is the day that we have been waiting and preparing for all through Advent.

Please try and not to let it be over before you realise it was actually there.

Jesus is born to save mankind from its sin for now, for yesterday and for every tomorrow. We should take a moment or two, to try and be with Mary and Joseph there in the stable at Bethlehem, surrounded by the shepherds and the various animals, rejoicing as the angels exhorted the shepherds to do.

Please come to our crib and take a few moments to pray with thanks to God for the gift of His Son and for the example of both Mary and Joseph in being set to do His will for the good and glory of mankind.

Please also take a few moments to thank God for our priest, Father Mario who has worked so hard to settle into his new parish and to help us continue to grow in our faith-practice. Please keep in mind Father Paschal who has worked very hard throughout the year in providing us with essential support. It has been a hard year in many different ways and looks to continue in this fashion but we can get through it by supporting each other and looking to echo the spirit that we showed first at the start of the pandemic.

A spirit of care and consideration, a spirit of love and sharing, a spirit of joyfully reaching out to our neighbour to ensure that they were okay and needed for nothing. None of us is an island and we all need the love, care and support of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Christmas is this time to make sure that we are all in this good place, together. And if we are not, then reach out and touch, somebody’s hand: make this world a better place, if you can.

1. Unto us is born a son, King of choirs1 supernal:
See on earth his life begun, Of lords the Lord eternal.

2. Christ, from heav'n descending low, Comes on earth a stranger;
Ox and ass their Owner know Now cradled2 in a manger.

3. This did Herod sore affray, And did him3 bewilder,
So he gave the word to slay, And slew the little childer.

4. Of his love and mercy mild Hear4 the Christmas story:
O5 that Mary's gentle Child Might lead us up to glory!

5.6 O and A and A and O, cum Cantemus in choro,
Voice and organ, sing we so, Benedicamus Domino.

Once again, I wish you all the merriest Christmas and hope that you have a happy, healthy and holy day, that rounds of our Advent preparations and sets us up for an exciting, challenging, joyous and celebratory New Year.

God bless us, every one.

Bidding Prayers

1.       That we are all filled with the spirit of Christmas and the life, love and laughter that it brings to all. Lord in your mercy

2.       That those on the edges of society, possibly with little or no food, drink or other essentials are given the support they so desperately need. Lord in your mercy

3.       That all new mothers and new babies are filled with Christmas joy and continue to live happy, healthy and holy lives. Lord in your mercy

4.       That there is peace on earth and good will to all men, women and children. Lord in your mercy

5.       That all the sick of our parish and community are cared for and strengthened by our prayers and our loving actions. Lord in your mercy

6.       That those who have died recently gain eternal rest with their Father in heaven for all eternity. Lord in your mercy

7.       That Our Lady, the Mother of our saviour joins her prayers with ours as we now pray together, Hail Mary



The Feast of the Holy Family


4th Sunday Advent B