Palm Sunday, 24th March, 2024.Cycle B

St John the Evangelist

128 Bebington Road, New Ferry, CH62 5BJ

Diocese of Shrewsbury     (reg. charity 234025)               

Parish Priest:  Fr Mario Ashuikeka

Deacon: Revd Michael Daly   Phone:   0151 645 3314

Email Websites 

Palm Sunday, 24th March, 2024, Cycle B,


The week we’re about to embark upon is the most momentous one for Christians and that’s why Holy Week is sometimes also called the Great Week.

It all begins well on the Sunday with the crowds cheering the man they believe will set them free. He’s given a royal welcome as he enters Jerusalem and there’s a sense of expectation in the air. Most of us can identify with that crowd. There are times when our faith in Christ is easy, when God seems to be smiling down on us and when we could easily join the crowd with its banners and singing.The high of Sunday continues until Thursday when the Last Supper is held. There’s joy as Jesus institutes the eucharist along with the command to serve each other in the way that he has shown. But a cloud looms on the horizon as Judas takes in thirty pieces of silver and gives away his master with a kiss. If we can identify with the crowd then we can surely see the figure of Judas in the many ways that we betray the faith that God has in us. Sometimes we allow ourselves to be tempted by a lot less than money and a kiss.

How can Good Friday be good, given what happened? Its goodness stems from the fact that a victory was won. It’s true that we all share in the sin of the world that Christ died for. But by the same token we all share in the triumph of the cross. From now on, sin and death, evil and pain can have no permanent hold over us. We have access to a life that is real and ultimately indestructible.

And just as we think the week is about to end in a fizzle, we come across a Saturday night surprise. Jesus, whom they crucified, has risen. His enemies are confounded and he will go on to impart the Spirit of life to those who believe in him. If we want to join the cheering crowd ever again, then it must be because of this resurrection. It’s the centre of our faith and gives meaning to everything we say and do in our relationship with God. Anyone can have life, but not everyone knows that it can be eternal. What a week!           


ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: Hosanna to the son of David; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel. Hosanna in the highest

RESPONSE TO THE PSALM: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION:  Praise to you O Christ, King of eternal glory! Christ was humbler yet even to accepting death, death on a cross.  But God raised him high and gave him a name which is above all names.

COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Father, if this chalice cannot pass without drinking it, your will be done.


Devotions/Adoration: Saturday Morning Devotions will be prayed in Church (the Rosary, Divine Mercy & Divine Praises) from 10:30am-11:30am. Fr Mario will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation between 10.30 & 11.00am.  All are welcome. 

Confessions during Holy Week will be on request to Fr Mario 645 3996.  Also, there will be NO Devotions or Sacrament of Reconciliation on Easter Saturday, 30th March. 

Last Weeks’ Offertory Collection   amounted to £499.00p.   Many thanks for your continued support. 

If you have any queries regarding parish matters or if you wish to arrange a Baptism, Wedding or Funeral please contact Fr Mario on 0151-645 3996.  You can also get in touch with Carol Dalziel on 07808975011 or Ann Murray on 07745490279 regarding  general parish queries.

SJE’s Parish Safeguarding Officer is Celia Daly, who can be contacted on 0151-645 9256 on all safeguarding matters.  

Mass Intentions   If you would like to have a Mass said for your own or someone else’s intentions , fill in one of the Mass offering envelopes  at the back of Church, place a donation in it & put it through the Presbytery letterbox.  Please give at least three weeks’ notice  as we are receiving a large  number of requests for particular dates. 

Children's Liturgy – takes place during the 9.30am Mass. All are most welcome

Wirral Foodbank Appeal: Please help to support our local Foodbank as much as you can with both food & funds.  All items urgently needed are listed on the notice board at the back of church.  Thank you. Wirral Foodbank.  We would like to start a new rota to drop off the donations to the warehouse in Birkenhead. The food is all non perishable & can be dropped off at the Wirral warehouse anytime Monday to Thursday between 10am & 1.30pm. My name is Cecily Sabino; I go to 9.30am Mass on Sunday. If you can help please contact Fr. Mario on 645 3996 or let me know that you are interested my tel no is 07901105591 so we can have a chat .Thank you. 

Sunday Morning Teas continue on the first Sunday of each month. Come along for tea/coffee & biscuits whilst enjoying a chat with your fellow parishioners.  Next date is Sunday 7th April.

Sunday 7th April at St John's at 2:00pm : Rosary Service to celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy, speaker is Fr Mario.  All welcome. 

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024: Brochures & booking forms are now available on the Pilgrimage website: or by ringing 07773 324264, or if you are aged 16 – 22 please email  for an application form to join the youth section of our Pilgrimage. This year our Pilgrimage dates are: by air from Friday 26 July to Thursday 1 August, by coach from Thursday 25/07 to Friday 02/08 & for our young people from Wednesday 24/07 to Friday 02/08.  If you are a first-time pilgrim or a returning pilgrim, we look forward to you joining us in Lourdes this year.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORIE WITH FR MARIO.22nd to 26th June £549 pp sharing or £635 for a single room.  Flying from Manchester, 4 star hotel including breakfast & evening meal, local guide & we will be in Medjugorie for the 43rd Anniversary. Telephone Maria on 07576243343 if interested.

CAFOD Family Fast Day: CAFOD envelopes are available on the table at the back of church.  (If you are a taxpayer, please complete the Gift Aid section).  Envelopes to be returned by THIS WEEKEND Palm Sunday, 24th March. Thank you for your continued support & generosity.  

Stations of the Cross will be held at 3:00pm each Sunday during Lent & will be led by a different group each week. This Sunday’s leader will be Norah Martin.

 Readers: New readers are always most welcome - please give your name, & email address to Fr Mario, or to me, or post your details through the Presbytery door;  I usually attend the 9.30am Sunday Mass. 

Pease also advise if you could be available for the 5.00pm weekly Saturday evening Mass as we only have a small pool of readers for this Service. Thank you – Carmel Harrison.

 Chrism Mass: will be held at St Michael & All Angels, Woodchurch on Wednesday, 27th March at 7.00pm.

Evening of Recollection:  for all Eucharistic Ministers & Readers from St John’s & St Luke’s & St Anne’s to be held at St Anne’s on Tuesday, 26th March 6-7.30pm to prepare for Holy Week & Easter. 

Lent Course: Father Michael Coughlan has asked us to share information about the Lent Course entitled: Journeying with Jesus: a companion’s guide by Fr Denis McBride CSsR, each Tuesday evening in Lent at 7.00pm in Our Lady’s Presbytery, Cavendish Street CH41 8AQ.  The playlist can be accessed on

Spring Sing with Warrington Male Voice Choir, plus Special Guests Wirral 3Ls Choir, will be held at St Michael & All Angels,Woodchurch on Saturday 13th April 7.30pm.  Doors open 7pm. Tickets £8. See poster at the back of the church for details.

St Lukes SVP will be having a retiring collection on Sunday, 7th April.  This is in aid of Wirral SVP Children’s Camp 3rd-10th August.  This year there are 51 places at the SVP summer camp and enough volunteers to run the camp safely and effetively. The camp is to provide a week away for children who may have no self-esteem, are bullied, have been bereaved and children who would not normally have a holiday away from home.   The cost to attend the camp is £350 pp.  Thank you for your support. 

Social activities: We would like some volunteers to join our group to help to arrange various social activities this year. Please ring/text Diane Baylis on 07946916338. Thanks. 

JOB VACANCY for a school chaplain 3 days per week during term time at Upton Hall School. For information: 

REMEMBER  to put your clocks forward 1 hour before bedtime on Saturday evening, 30th March.


Saturday 23rd 10.30am Devotions – Rosary, Divine Mercy & Divine Praises

5.00pm Ints Carol Dalziel

 Palm Sunday 24th 9.30am Phillie McLean 1st Annv

3.00pm Stations of the Cross

7.30pm Prayer Meeting

Monday 25th 9.15am Jason Threlly

Tuesday 26th 9.15am We will be joined by Yrs 1 & 2 from our Infant School

Pray for Families

Wednesday 27th 9.15am Pray for 3 Parishes, Young People & Good Friendship in the Parishes

Holy Thursday 28th 7.00pm MASS AT ST ANNE’S ONLY

Good Friday 29th 3.00pm SERVICE AT ST JOHN’S ONLY

Saturday Easter Vigil Mass 30th 8.00pm MASS AT ST ANNE’S ONLY

Easter Sunday 31st 9.30am Teresa Young Rem

7.30pm Prayer Meeting

Weekend Masses - Please note that the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed immediately before each Mass.  Please use this as a time for prayer & quiet devotion. Please enter the church quietly & remain so. Thank you.  


Saturday 23rd 6.30pm Ann McGrory RIP

 Palm Sunday 24th 11.00am Martin Patric Gorman 2nd Annv.

Monday 25th 12 Noon Peter Simmons RIP

Tuesday 26th 12 Noon Joan Naylor 94th B’day

Wednesday   27th 12.Noon Elaine Curry Sp. Intent.

Holy Thursday 28th  7.00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper  at St Anne’s  - All Priests                   

 Good Friday 29th 10.00am Children’s Stations of the Cross

Saturday Easter Vigil Mass 30th 8.00pm Daniel Brett Remb.

Easter Sunday 31st 11.00am Innocent Ashuikeka RIP


Good Friday Parade, Port Sunlight: Note the following change.  We are gathering at 12.15pm at the Sundial which is in the centre of the rose gardens by the Lady Lever Art Gallery



Easter Sunday, 31st March, 2024. Cycle B


The Fifth Sunday of Lent, 17th March, 2024. Cycle B