Sixth Sunday of Easter, 5th May, 2024. Cycle B

St John the Evangelist

128 Bebington Road, New Ferry, CH62 5BJ

Diocese of Shrewsbury     (reg. charity 234025)               

Parish Priest:  Fr Mario Ashuikeka

Deacon: Revd Michael Daly   Phone:   0151 645 3314

Email Websites 

Sixth Sunday of Easter, 5th May, 2024. Cycle B


Religious people often see non-religious people as outsiders. This no doubt stems from the fact that to espouse a religion is no light matter; it means taking a step that is the basis of our whole being and orientation. For religion is a life option not a leisure activity.

In the Old Testament the Jewish people considered themselves to be the chosen people of God to the extent that they kept clear of all dealings with the “nations”, the surrounding peoples and cultures. When prophets like Isaiah came along and in God’s name foretold that all these pagan nations would be welcome to offer worship on the holy mountain of Jerusalem, it profoundly shocked the religious sensitivities of their audience.

In the New Testament Peter makes an astounding discovery: that God has no favourites and that anyone who tries to do God’s will is acceptable to God. This comes after thousands of pagans have listened to his preaching and have received the same Holy Spirit with which he himself has been anointed.

Things haven’t changed that much. We have an inbuilt tendency to think of those who do not share our faith as being on a different plane to us. Yet one thing is clear: God gives his Spirit to anyone he thinks is striving to do his will. And this should make us stop and think: we have no monopoly on truth and goodness.

Living our faith in the power of the Spirit is a real challenge, because it dares us to look at our surroundings and discern the people and events that God is using today to speak to us. And of course sometimes these people and events are the last ones we would ever expect to be mouthpieces of God. But when it comes to choosing people, God has no favourites. Anyone who strives to do his will is acceptable.


ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: Proclaim a joyful sound & let it be heard; proclaim to the ends of the earth: The Lord has freed his people, alleluia.

RESPONSE TO THE PSALM: The Lord has shown his salvation to the nations.

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION:  Alleluia, alleluia! Jesus said: “If anyone loves me he will keep my word, & my Father will love him, & we shall come to him.” Alleluia!

COMMUNION ANTIPHON: If you love me, keep my commandments, says the Lord, & I will ask the Father & he will send you another Paraclete, to abide with you for ever, alleluia.


Devotions/Adoration: Saturday Morning Devotions will be prayed in Church (the Rosary, Divine Mercy & Divine Praises) from 10:30am-11:30am. Fr Mario will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation between 10.30 & 11.00am.  All are welcome.

Last Weeks’ Offertory Collection: amounted to £463.60p. Many thanks for your continued support.

SVP Collection- this totalled £511.10p. Thank you for your generosity.

World Communication Day- There will be a retiring collection for this special cause over the weekend 11th/12th May.

If you have any queries regarding parish matters or if you wish to arrange a Baptism, Wedding or Funeral please contact Fr Mario on 0151-645 3996.  You can also get in touch with Carol Dalziel on 07808975011 or Ann Murray on 07745490279 regarding   general parish queries.

SJE’s Parish Safeguarding Officer is Celia Daly, who can be contacted on 0151-645 9256 on all safeguarding matters.

Mass Intentions   If you would like to have a Mass said for your own or someone else’s intentions , fill in one of the Mass offering envelopes  at the back of Church, place a donation in it & put it through the Presbytery letterbox.  Please give at least three weeks’ notice as we are receiving a large  number of requests for particular dates. 

Children's Liturgy – takes place during the 9.30am Mass. All are most welcome

Wirral Foodbank Appeal: Please help to support our local Foodbank as much as you can with both food & funds.  All items urgently needed are listed on the notice board at the back of church.  Thank you.  

Wirral Foodbank.  We would like to start a new rota to drop off the donations to the warehouse in Birkenhead.. me know that you are interested my tel no is 07901105591 so we can have a chat .Thank you  

Sunday Morning Teas continue on the first Sunday of each month. Come along for tea/coffee & biscuits whilst enjoying a chat  this Sunday 5th May.

55+ Group - Tuesday, 7th May 12.30pm in St Anne's Parish Centre.  Speaker RNLI - 200 years.  All welcome

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORIE WITH FR MARIO.22nd to 26th June Flying from Manchester for the 43rd Anniversary. Telephone Maria Fryer on 07576243343 if interested.

Social activities: We would like some volunteers to join our group to help to arrange various social activities this year. Please ring/text Diane Baylis on 07946916338.                                                        

The Irenaeus Project Women’s Weekend Retreat Join us for our women’s weekend on 14th -16th June  ‘Mary in a world of Martha’.  We will explore what it is like to be like Mary listening at the feet of Jesus.  Residential places are very limited. For more information see poster at the back of church and/or contact and tel. 0151 949 1199.                              

A VACANCY has arisen for a Parish Secretary at the parish of  St Anne’s, Rock Ferry.  Hours: 15 per week, to be spread over Monday to Friday mornings (flexible).   hourly rate: £12.50 to £13.50 depending on experience.  For further details please see the Diocesan Website  Applications in the form of a CV and covering letter should be sent to Pauline McCulloch    Closing date:  17 May 2024   

 Confirmation 2024 for St John’s and St Anne’s will be held at St Anne’s on Wednesday 27th November at 7.00pm.

Evening of Reflection for Readers & Eucharistic Ministers from our 3 Parishes, to be held at St John’s Presbytery on Tuesday, 14th May at 7-8pm

Grace Group will be meeting in the Day Chapel on Tuesday, 14th May at 7.00pm.  They will be discussing Sarah & Hagar. 

A Year of Encounter SVP & Cafod  With a UK general election due sometime this year, politicians will be looking for our votes. We have a responsibility as Catholics to make sure that parties commit to tackling issues such as poverty & injustice. Raising our voices & contacting parliamentary candidates as a parish community will send a strong signal to those standing for election in our local constituencies. A Year of Encounter is a joint initiative between CAFOD & St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), equipping Catholics to ask key questions of local candidates at the key moments. Please see for more information. 

Mary’s Meals “Pray in May” for Ethiopia Crisis.  Please see poster on the notice board at the back of church for more details. 

Year of Prayer 2024 Come and join our online webinar with Sycamore. Pope Francis has asked that 2024 be a ‘Year of Prayer’, as a preparatory year for the Jubilee Year of 2025. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to get the most out of the prayer pathway on Sycamore!  On Wednesday 15th May 7pm-8pm. Email Natalie Orefice for the link to join:

The Rosary- During the month of May The Rosary is intended as a “mesmerising” prayer. By repeating over and over again certain prayers the mind can be freed from the words and allowed to meditate on the principal mysteries of faith, taken mainly from the scriptures. Traditionally there are fifteen of these religious incidents that are divided into Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries. Pope John Paul II added five others which are known as the Mysteries of Light.  

DO JUSTICE is an invitation to parishes to become a more synodal & missionary Church, a Church that adores God & serves the men & women of our time, going forth to bring everyone the consoling joy of the Gospel. The sessions will run for the next 3 Monday evenings, at 7pm in Our Lady’s church, Birkenhead. Each session begins with a short time of prayer & should last no longer than 90 minutes. Everyone is welcome.

Rev. Anthony Grace, Missio Diocesan Director requests the pleasure of your company for a Shrewsbury Diocesan Mass for Missio Saturday 1st June 2024 at 11.00 a.m. St Michael & All Angels Church, New Hey Road, Woodchurch, Birkenhead CH49 5LE Celebrant: Rt Rev. Mark Davies, Bishop of Shrewsbury Followed by refreshments in St Michael’s Primary School (next to the Church) To assist us with planning, please RSVP by 24th May: e-mail or tel. 07593 544625.


Saturday 4th 10.00am Cenacle Mass

  10.30am Devotions – Rosary, Divine Mercy & Divine Praises

  5.00pm James Armstrong Annv.RIP

Sixth Sunday of Easter 5th 9.30am  Parishioners of St John’s & St Luke’s

 Monday 6th 10.00am All Priests & Deacons

Tuesday 7th 9.15am Refugees

7.00pm Novena

Wednesday 8th

Vigil for Ascension of the Lord 6.00pm Graham Sabino RIP

Thursday The Ascension of the Lord 9th 7.00pm MASS AT ST ANNE’S ONLY

Friday 10th 9.15am Charles Heaney Anniv

Saturday 11th 10.30am Devotions – Rosary, Divine Mercy & Divine Praises

   5.00pm World Peace

Seventh Sunday of Easter 12th  9.30am Ints Nonie Elliott

3.00pm Benediction

  7.30pm Prayer Meeting

Weekend Masses - Please note that the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed immediately before each Mass.  Please use this as a time for prayer & quiet devotion. Please enter the church quietly & remain so. Thank you.  



Saturday 4th 6.00pm Colm O’Reilly

Sixth Sunday of Easter 5th 11.00am Jimmy Belmar 80th

Monday 6th 12 Noon Cecilia Okafor Sp. Int

Tuesday 7th 12 Noon Les Duffy Bday Remb

Wednesday 8th 12.Noon Gerard Edwards Anniv          


The Ascension of the Lord 9th   7.00pm MASS AT ST ANNE’S ONLY

Heather Smith RIP

 Friday 10th 12 Noon Maureen Michael 90th Birthday

Saturday 11th 6.00pm Chris Locke RIP

Sixth Sunday of Easter 12th 11.00am Mary Frances Petris 1st Annv


Pope Francis's Prayer Intentions for May

For the Formation of Religious, Monks, Nuns, and Seminarians: The Pontiff urges prayers “so that religious, monks, nuns, and seminarians may grow in their vocational journey through human, pastoral, spiritual, and communal formation, leading them to be credible witnesses of the Gospel.”



Seventh Sunday of Easter, 12th May, 2024. Cycle B


Fifth Sunday of Easter, 28th April, 2024, Cycle B