The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 9th July, 2023, Cycle A


St John the Evangelist

128 Bebington Road, New Ferry, CH62 5BJ

Diocese of Shrewsbury     (reg. charity 234025)               

Parish Priest:  Fr Mario Ashuikeka and Fr Emmanuel Chukwujekwu

Deacon: Revd Michael Daly   Phone:   0151 645 3314

Email Websites 

The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9th  July, 2023, Cycle A


What sort of rest does Jesus offer today to those who are overburdened? It's certainly not the type that involves putting your feet up. Nor the sort that means lying on a beach, sitting back and sipping a cocktail.

The Greek word used in today's gospel implies something more. It means respite or cessation. We've come to understand the concept of respite care for the terminally ill, both for the patient and for the family. It means a break from the routine and a chance to get things in perspective from a distance. It's about relief and recuperation, and most of us yearn for this type of rest and respite.

Jesus promises us rest from worry. We worry about so many things, about our health, our family, our financial situation, our future… Yet Jesus gives us the chance to get it all into perspective. No amount of worrying can change anything at all, and the only thing that matters in life is knowing that we are held in the palm of God's hand and that ultimately there is nothing that can destroy us.

Jesus promises us rest from fear. Most of our fears are linked to what worries us, and the ultimate fear for human beings is that of death. While the learned and clever people of the world debate about the meaning of our existence, Jesus reveals the promise of eternal life to those who are childlike. Death has no sting, for Jesus has conquered it and offered fullness of life to those who believe in him.

And Jesus promises us rest from guilt. Without faith we would carry round the great burden of our sin. We would never be able to escape from the haunting of our past actions that have hurt others and damaged ourselves. Yet the message of Jesus is that we are forgiven and set free daily to live his new life.

My burden is light and my yoke is easy, says Jesus. That's because he does most of the carrying. And perhaps the eternal rest we crave for ourselves and our loved ones is nothing more than the eternal relief of knowing that God has made all this possible for us in Christ.


ENTRANCE ANTIPHON:  Your merciful love, O God, we have received in the midst of your temple. Your praise, O God, like your name, reaches the ends of the earth: your right hand is filled with saving justice. 

RESPONSE TO THE PSALM: I will bless your name for ever, O God my King. 

GOSPEL ACCLAIMATION:  Alleluia, Alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children. Alleluia! 

COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed the man who seeks refuge in him.


Sunday is a special day of prayer for seafarers. Tuesday is a special day of prayer for Europe. 

Devotions/Adoration: Saturday Morning Devotions will be prayed in Church (the Rosary, Divine Mercy and Divine Praises) from 10:30am-11:30am. Fr Mario will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation between 10.30 and 11.00am.  All most welcome. 

If you have any queries or ideas, continue to contact Deacon Mike Daly on 07542463319 or Carol Dalziel on 07808975011 on any Parish matters, or if you wish to arrange a Baptism, Wedding or Funeral.  Also use the box at the back of church for your suggestions. Mike Daly’s Homilies are available on the Parish Website. Log in details are

Mass Intentions   If you would like to have a Mass said for your own or someone else’s  intentions please fill in one of the Mass offering envelopes at the back of Church, place a donation in it & put it through the presbytery letterbox. Thank you. 

Please continue to keep all of our sick parishioners in your thoughts and prayers. Especially this week as we honour St Luke the physician and pray for the sick, health workers and carers.

Children's Liturgy – is during the 9.30am Mass, all are most welcome. 

In Memoriam-  Please keep all the recently deceased members of our parish and their families in your prayers. Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Father Russell Cooke, a former Parishioner of St John's and a retired priest from our Diocese, emeritus Dean of Chester Deanery, who died peacefully at home on Friday, 30th June. Please keep Fr Russell, his family and friends in your prayers at this time. May he and all the faithful departed rest in peace.  Funeral arrangements to follow.  

Last Weeks’ Offertory Collection amounted to £528.87p.

This weekend 8/9th July and 15/16th July there will be retiring collections for Sea Sunday (formerly Apostleship of the Sea).

Wirral Foodbank Appeal: Please help support your Foodbank with food and funds.  All donations need to be non-perishable, please refer to the list on the notice board of items urgently needed. Please continue to support this as much as you can in these difficult times.

Altar-Servers - Please encourage any child who has made their First Holy Communion to consider becoming an Altar-Server.  Please give names to Mike Daly, who will arrange for their training and support.  

MASS SCHEDULE FOR THURSDAYS : For the next few weeks, the Thursday night Mass will alternate  between St Anne’s and St John’s. 

HEALTH AND SAFETY:  It is a requirement for all parish groups, using the presbytery and day chapel for meetings, to sign in upon entry to the presbytery and sign out when leaving.  The book is located on the hall stand next to the office door. Thank you. 

Divine Mercy Pilgrimage to Krakow, Poland 11th to 15th September & led by Fr Mario. Guided tour to Divine Mercy Chapel, John Paul II Centre, Marian shrine Czestochowa, Wawel Cathedral & Bishop’s Palace.  Flying from Manchester. 5 days and includes bed, breakfast & evening meal. £585 per person sharing or £685 for single room. If interested please see Fr Mario or telephone Maria on 07576243343. 

We continue our reflections on Vatican II, in Part III On The Church. This time, we ask the question: Why is the Church?’ Why does she exist...? The Council's answer is that her mission is to call all people of all times to holiness, which is why she must evangelise. What this means for us is given in Lumen Gentium Chaps 5 and 6, taken together. Podcast and its handout are now available on the diocesan website at in the section on 'News and Events'. A leaflet outlining the content of all of the podcasts is available in the parish. If you have difficulty accessing this material or have questions and reflections, please don’t hesitate to contact Barbara via E: or T: 07730 526821. 

Stella Maris - Sea Sunday 9th July Supporters are crucial tour work.  Have you considered helping us by volunteering in your Parish for Sea Sunday?  It is also a day once a year when we ask for donations from church organisations to ensure that we can continue our work.  If you, or a friend or family member would like to find out more about how you can help on Sea Sunday,  Contact or call me on 07887893763.  With every blessing, Roland Hayes. 

Love the Stranger: In light of the challenges we face in the UK, advocating for the dignity of refugees and migrants amidst a hostile environment, the Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) which Caritas Shrewsbury is a member of, welcomes the teaching document Love the Stranger from the Department of International Affairs at the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW). The document offers 24 guiding principles and has been endorsed by the Holy See, COMECE, CAFOD, CSAN and Caritas Social Action Network members. You can download. Love the Stranger at 

Gentle reminder for people to park thoughtfully behind church and not all park at the front thus denying access to the rear of the car park. A little thought goes a long way. 

Lord! You are the wind in my sails, You guide me as I steer and find direction. You give me strength to keep on going. You watch over me as I navigate stormy seas. You are the harbour where I stop for rest. You are my encourager when I lose hope. You are the lighthouse that keeps my path straight. You are with me always. Thankyou. Amen.

A message from the Lourdes Pilgrimage Director:

Bookings have been coming into the Pilgrimage Office steadily over the last months, but there are still spaces available with a few seats left on the pilgrimage coach and more available on the plane.  Booking details can be found on the pilgrimage website . Can  any potential pilgrims book with us as soon as possible - many thanks. 

A huge THANK YOU to Chris Jones for providing the materials for, and painting,, the railings outside the Church.  They look great !

The Unity Prayer

My adorable Jesus. May our feet journey together. May our hands gather in unity. May our hearts beat in unison. May our souls be in harmony. May our thoughts be as one. May our ears listen to the silence together. May our glances profoundly penetrate each other. May our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father. Amen .


Saturday 8th 10.30am Devotions – Rosary, Divine Mercy & Divine Praises

5.00pm Tony Armstrong 10th Anniv RIP

 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9th 9.30am Mike Daly 12th Anniv of his Ordination to the Diaconate

  11.00am Maureen Concannon (St Luke’s)

7.30pm Prayer Meeting

Monday 10th 9.15am Miss Philly McLean

Tuesday 11th 9.15am Peter Sarson Anniv RIP

Wednesday 12th 9.15am For Peace in Europe

Thursday 13th 7.00pm MASS AT ST ANNE’S ONLY

Friday 14th 9.15am Patricia (Pat) Bevan 1st Anniv RIP

Saturday 15th 10.00am Carmelite Mass

  10.30am Devotions – Rosary, Divine Mercy & Divine Praises

5.00pm Sr Carmel Callaghan RIP

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th 9.30am Graham Sabino RIP

11.00am Mary & Alan Buchanan 60th Wedding Anniv (St Luke’s)

 7.30pm Prayer Meeting

 Weekend Masses - Please note that the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed immediately before each Mass.  Please use this as a time for prayer and quiet devotion. Please enter the church quietly and remain so. Thank you.     



Saturday 8th 6.30pm Sr Catherine Meehan 75th Anniv. of Religious Life

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9th 11.15am Sr Dominica Fennessy 75th Anniv. of Religious Life

Monday 10th 12 Noon UCM

Tuesday 11th 12 Noon Successful Operation

Wednesday 12th 12 Noon Sr Teresa Quinn RIP

Thursday 13th 7.00pm Andrew Shackleton RIP


Friday 14th 12 Noon Thomas Sarson 4th Ann.RIP                                          

Saturday 15th 6.30pm Judy Danaher RIP

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th 11.15am Martin Ward  Anniv


WORDS FOR WORSHIP- Lord Jesus, you entrust to us the mysteries of your kingdom: Lord, have mercy. Christ Jesus, you are gentle and humble of heart: Christ, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you are a mighty God and prince of peace: Lord, have mercy. May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.



The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 16th July, 2023, Cycle A


TheThirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2nd July, 2023, Cycle A