The Third Sunday of Advent, 17th December, 2023. Cycle B

St John the Evangelist

128 Bebington Road, New Ferry, CH62 5BJ

Diocese of Shrewsbury     (reg. charity 234025)               

Parish Priest:  Fr Mario Ashuikeka

Deacon: Revd Michael Daly   Phone:   0151 645 3314

Email Websites 

 The Third Sunday of Advent 17th December, 2023. Cycle B 


St Paul was an optimist. That's the only option open to Christians. He knew how to thank God and be happy in all circumstances. Yet he wasn't some sort of Polyanna who sailed through the world unaware of its problems. It would have been easy for Paul to feel sorry for himself. The Jews sought to put him to death. The Romans hunted him like a dog and imprisoned him with chains. Even his best friends deserted him, yet he gave thanks for every situation because he knew God was in control of whatever might happen to him.

He was able to put his emotional and mental response on the level of Christ because he believed fervently that the resurrection meant that evil had been conquered by Christ. So whatever situation arose, he could see that God could turn it to the good.

Every experience of adversity can either leave us bitter or better. And if we don't allow Christ to teach us this truth through our experiences of life then we end up sad people indeed.

Today is known as Gaudete (Rejoicing) Sunday and Paul's letter to the people of Thessalonika gives us a glimpse into how we can rejoice even when things are going wrong.

If we are trying to live our lives for Christ then God is able to bring good out of everything. It doesn't mean that we don't suffer. Of course we do. Yet our faith tells us that the only thing that is important in life is to be part of Christ and the promises he makes to us on behalf of his Father. Everything else (riches, wealth, fame and power) is nothing but dross. In Advent we not only prepare ourselves to celebrate the 2,000 year-old coming of Jesus. We also look forward actively to Christ coming again. Our faith is focussed on how we meet Christ as he comes to us each day and how at the end of time he will come to reward us for the lives we are now leading. Are we prepared to see the hand of God working in all the circumstances of life? And is our faith strong enough to be able to take the good and bad and still thank God for what we have been given?


ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice.  Indeed, the Lord is near. 

RESPONSE TO THE PSALM: My soul rejoices in my God. 

GOSPEL ACCLAIMATION:  Alleluia, alleluia! The spirit of the Lord has been given to me.  He has sent me to bring good news to the poor. 

COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Say to the faint heart: Be strong and do not fear.  Behold, our God will come, and he will save us.


Devotions/Adoration: Saturday Morning Devotions will be prayed in Church (the Rosary, Divine Mercy. & Divine Praises) from 10:30am-11:30am. Fr Mario will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation between 10.30 & 11.00.  All are welcome.  

Welcome to St John’s Infants Year 1 and Year 2 who will be joining us for their Advent Mass on Tuesday 19th December.  All most welcome. 

Christmas Crib Service at St John’s Church on Saturday 23rd December at 2pm. All are welcome to attend. Join us to share the Nativity Story and sing some Christmas songs together.  

Last Weeks’ Offertory Collection   amounted to £514.45p. Collection for Altar Flowers £308.75p.  Thank you for your continued generosity in these difficult times.

Mass Intentions   If you would like to have a Mass said for your own or someone else’s intentions please fill in one of the Mass offering envelopes  at the back of Church, place a donation in it & put it through the presbytery letterbox. Thank you.

Mass Intention Requests; Please give at least three weeks’ notice for your Mass intention as we are receiving a large  number of requests for particular dates. 

Children's Liturgy – takes place during the 9.30am Mass. All are most welcome. 

In Memoriam: Please pray for the repose of the soul of Christopher Maloney who died last week.  Christopher’s Funeral Service will be held at St John’s on Thursday, 28th December at 10.00am followed by burial at Landican Cemetery at 11.00am.  Please keep Christopher’s family, and all those parishioners and friends who have died, in your prayers and may they and all the faithful departed rest in the peace of Christ.  

Advent Reconciliation Service this year will be held at St Anne’s on Wednesday,   20th December 7-8pm.  All welcome.

Wirral Foodbank Appeal: Please help support your Foodbank with food & funds.  All donations need to be listed on the notice board of items urgently needed. Please continue to support this as much as you can in these difficult times.

 Fr Mario's Appeal - How to help: The easiest way to contribute to parish funds is via the collection plate - cash or cheques (made payable to St John's New Ferry) are equally acceptable .If you are a tax payer and have an existing Gift Aid declaration and envelopes, please use these so that tax can be claimed back. Bank transfers: Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-15-52, account no. 54641168, in the name of St John's New Ferry. Please use your name as a reference so that Gift Aid can be claimed if possible. Or contact Carol on 07808 975011.

 Advent Day by Day Booklets containing daily readings throughout Advent are on the table at the back of church.  They are £1 but free to take a copy and, if you are able to, please leave a donation in the Books and Cards Box by the card table/stand. 

Sunday Morning Teas will be restarting as soon as possible.  We are looking for volunteers from St John’s and St Luke’s to form a rota system. If you are interested, please contact Noelene Evans on 645 6055. 

Lourdes Hospitality Update Further to the recent AGM, the officers have been meeting monthly to discuss the issues raised and future plans. A face-to-face meeting for all members will be held on Saturday 20th January 2024 (venue and time to be confirmed). In the meantime, if you have any questions for us, please send an email to  Clare Marchmont, Secretary, Shrewsbury Lourdes Hospitality.

THE BIG CARD will be on the table at the back of church.  Please write your Christmas message at a suggested minimum donation of £1.  All proceeds will go towards the work of The Ark.  Please support this very good cause and thank you for your support over the years. 

Christmas Mass/Services Times at ST ANNE’S:

Service of Reconciliation 7pm on Wednesday, 20th December

Children’s Vigil Mass 24th December at 5.00pm.

Vigil Mass of Christmas 24th December at 9.00pm– All Parishioners –

Christmas Day Mass 25th December at 11.00am

26th December  The Feast of St Stephen - Mass at 12 Noon

28th December Mass at ST ANNE’S ONLY 7.00pm


Christmas Mass/Services Times at ST JOHN’S:

Christmas Crib Service Saturday,

23rd December at 2.00pm.  All welcome

Vigil Mass of Christmas at 7.00pm.  There will be a retiring collection for the SVP.

Christmas Day -  Mass 9.30am

26th December  Feast of St Stephen - Mass at 10.00am

27th December Feast of St John -  Mass at St John’s at 10.00am for all 3 Parishes

28th December, Mass at ST ANNE’S ONLY 7.00pm

29th December Mass at St John’s 9.15am

 A vacancy has arisen for a Parish Secretary at the parish of Holy Cross, Our Lady & St Paul, Birkenhead.  Hours: 12 per week, to be spread over Tuesday to Friday mornings (flexible).   hourly rate: £11 to £13 depending on experience.  For further details please see the Diocesan Website  Applications in the form of a CV and covering letter should be sent to Pauline McCulloch   Closing date:  15 January 2024.

Many thanks for the anonymous donation of the Christmas tree for the church.  Your kindness is greatly appreciated.


Saturday 16th 10.00am Carmel Mass

10.30am Devotions – Rosary, Divine Mercy & Divine Praises

  5.00pm Decd Rels & Fnds Fitzpatrick Fam

The Third 17th Sunday of Advent Cycle B   9.30am Eric & Betty Crebbin RIP

3.00pm Holy Hour & Benediction

7.30pm Prayer Meeting

Monday 18th 9.15am The Sick, Health Workers & Carers

Tuesday 19th 9.15am St John’s Infant School Year 1 and 2

will be joining us today

Bernard Brown RIP

Wednesday   20th 9.15am Virginia Rosario RIP

Thursday 21st 7.00pm MASS AT ST JOHN’S ONLY

Decd Members Quinlin Family

Friday 22nd 9.15am World Peace

Saturday 23rd 10.30am Devotions – Rosary, Divine Mercy & Divine Praises

  2.00pm Christmas Crib Service

5.00pm Decd Members of Elliot Family

The Fourth Sunday of 24th 9.30am For All Refugees Advent Cycle B

Vigil Mass of Christmas 7.00pm St John’s & St Luke’s Parishioners

Christmas Day 25th  9.30am The Homeless

Weekend Masses - Please note that the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed immediately before each Mass.  Please use this as a time for prayer & quiet devotion. Please enter the church quietly & remain so. Thank you.  



Saturday 16th 6.30pm Remembrance Mass for Fennell &

McGrory Families

The Third Sunday of Advent Cycle B 17th 11.00am Lewis & Christopher Doyle B.Day Remem

Monday 18th 12 Noon Phyllis Cray Annv

Tuesday 19th 12 Noon The Sick, Health Workers & Carers

Wednesday   20th 12.00am Daniel Brett Remb

Thursday 21st 7.00pm MASS AT ST JOHN’S ONLY

 Friday 22nd 12 Noon Frank Edwards Annv

Saturday 23rd 6.30pm Helen Otuisa RIP

The Fourth Sunday of Advent Cycle B 24th 11.00am Fr Terry Murray OMI RIP

5.00pm Fred Woolfall Remb

Vigil Mass of Christmas 9.00pm Francis Lavin RIP

Christmas Day 11.00am For Families



The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Sunday, 24th December, 2023.Cycle B


The Second Sunday in Advent, Sunday 10th December, 2023, Cycle B