The Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, 8th October, 2023, Cycle A

St John the Evangelist

128 Bebington Road, New Ferry, CH62 5BJ

Diocese of Shrewsbury     (reg. charity 234025)               

Parish Priest:  Fr Mario Ashuikeka

Deacon: Revd Michael Daly   Phone:   0151 645 3314

Email Websites 

The Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, 8th October, 2023. Cycle A


A man dies and goes to heaven where he meets Peter at the Pearly Gates. Before he can enter Peter gives him a few questions to answer. He has to accumulate 100 points before he can go in. "So, how often did you go to church?" Peter asks. "I went twice a week," replied the man. "That's one point," answers Peter. "One point? Wow! I thought it would be worth more than that." "And did you put any money on the plate?" asked Peter. "Yes, I gave 10% of all my income every week," answered the man. "Right, let's see," answers Peter, "that's worth 3 points. Did you do anything else?" "Well, right off hand, I can't think of a whole lot. I did mostly what I thought I was supposed to do." "Ok, we'll give you 5 points for good behaviour, can't you come up with something else?" By this time, the man is completely flustered. He finally cries, "Well, I can't come up with anything else. It looks like that no one can enter heaven except by the grace of God!" "100 points! Come on in!"

We are God's vineyard. God has planted us like vines in it and each day takes enough care of our patch of land for us to be able to produce sweet tasting grapes. What does he get in return from us?

God looks for peace from his people yet he gets discord, bickering and war. God seeks true worship from us yet our lives are littered with false gods. God shows us how to produce justice yet our world is full of corruption and exploitation of the poor and the weak. He awaits goodness but is repaid with evil. God teaches us about caring and sharing but sees us becoming more acquisitive and greedy as we strive to improve our own selfish lifestyles. Where he yearns for community he encounters exclusivity, class distinction and snobbery. Grapes sown for humility produce only pride. Seeds of godly living bear the fruit of a merely secular mentality.

What more could he have done for his beloved vineyard? I suppose he could have offered us his grace…


ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: Within your will, O Lord, all things are established, and there is none that can resist your will. For you have made all things, the heaven and the earth, and all that is held within the circle of heaven; you are the Lord of all.

RESPONSE TO THE PSALM: The vineyard of the Lord is the House of Israel.

GOSPEL ACCLAIMATION:  Alleluia, alleluia! I call you friends says the Lord, because I have made known to you everything I have learnt from my Father. Alleluia!

COMMUNION ANTIPHON: The Lord is good to those who hope in him, to the soul that seeks him.


Sunday is a special day of prayer for prisoners and their dependents. 

Devotions/Adoration: Saturday Morning Devotions will be prayed in Church (the Rosary, Divine Mercy. & Divine Praises) from 10:30am-11:30am. Fr Mario will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation between 10.30 & 11.00.  All are welcome.

Last Weeks’ Offertory Collection   amounted to £558.20p.  Thank you for your generosity.

HOME MISSIONS SUNDAY: Collection was £198.06p.  Thank you. 

There will be a retiring collection for St John's SVP this weekend  7th/8th October.

Cards and Gift Bags in aid of the SVP : There are some new cards and gift bags on the table at the back of Church; proceeds from all sales go to St John's SVP.  Christmas cards coming soon! 

CAFOD Family Fast Day is on 7th October.  Envelopes will be available on the table at the back of the church.  If you are gift aided, please fill in the section on the envelope. Envelopes can be returned up to and including the weekend of 28th/29th October.  Many thanks for your continued support to CAFOD. 

If you have any queries or ideas, continue to contact Deacon Mike Daly on 07542463319 or Carol Dalziel on 07808975011 on any Parish matters, or if you wish to arrange a Baptism, Wedding or Funeral.  Also use the box at the back of church for your suggestions. Mike Daly’s Homilies are available on the Parish Website. Log in details are

Mass Intentions   If you would like to have a Mass said for your own or someone else’s  intentions please fill in one of the Mass offering envelopes  at the back of Church, place a donation in it & put it through the presbytery letterbox. Thank you. 

Children's Liturgy – is during the 9.30am Mass, all are most welcome. 

Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies: The diocesan Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS) have resumed, with both an online course or daytime classes in Wythenshawe.  Details are at:   or enquiries to 

In Memoriam – Please pray for those who have recently died, may they and all the faithful departed rest in the peace of Christ.

Wirral Foodbank Appeal: Please help support your Foodbank with food & funds.  All donations need to be listed  on the notice board of items urgently needed. Please continue to support this as much as you can in these difficult times.

Confirmation Programme 2023:  Enrolment for this year has now closed.  The Confirmation Mass will be celebrated on 23/11/23. 

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:  Meeting at St John’s Church on Saturday 28th October at 9:15am. 

HEALTH & SAFETY:  It is a requirement for all parish groups, using the presbytery & day chapel for meetings, FOR EACH to sign in upon entry to the presbytery & sign out when leaving.  The book is located on the hall stand next to the office door. Thanks!

IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE:  The Health & Safety Officer for the Diocese issued the following M&ATORY instruction.  “No electrical equipment is to be brought in & used in church without evidence of a recent PAT-test & then only with the express permission of the Parish Priest.”  If in doubt please speak to Tony Delaney, Health & Safety Officer for St John the Evangelist.  

This year’s  National Mass for Altar Servers is being hosted by the Archdiocese of Cardiff at the Metropolitan Cathedral Church of Saint David next  Saturday 14th October at 12 noon.  All altar servers & their families are welcome to attend. Please see poster at the back of church for details. 

A Weekend Retreat The Shrine, Holywell 27-29 October 2023 18:00 Friday, 27 October –> 16:00 Sunday, 29 October 2023 Contact: Barbara Davies M: 07450 252 733 

Fr Mario's Appeal - How to help : The easiest way to contribute to parish funds is via the collection plate - cash or cheques (made payable to St John's New Ferry) are equally acceptable .If you are a tax payer and have an existing Gift Aid declaration and envelopes, please use these so that tax can be claimed back. Bank transfers : Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-15-52, account no. 54641168, in the name of St John's New Ferry. Please use your name as a reference so that Gift Aid can be claimed if possible. Or contact Carol on 07808 975011

St Anne’s Parish Event- All our welcome to an evening of music and entertainment by Mal King on Friday 27th October in St Anne’s Parish Centre from 7pm. Raffle, refreshments and Irish Bingo, tickets £5 from Sheila McAlister – 07484285954. Fundraising for MNDA.  

November Lists: Please ensure that all names for the November List are handed into the presbytery by Sunday, 22nd October. This allows time to compile the lists. Please make the envelopes "For the attention of Ann Murray" and please print all names clearly. Many thanks.

Foundation Governors: The Governors at St John’s Catholic Junior School are currently recruiting Foundation Governors. The role would suit someone with an interest in serving our community and supporting the needs of our school children. The role of a School Governing Body is:  · Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and direction of the school.

· Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.

· Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent . Access to a range of training is available as well as induction and mentoring. Foundation Governors are appointed by the Bishop, therefore candidates are required to be a practising Catholic. Anyone interested should send an email with an overview of their experience and skills for the attention of Gillian Dyche and Tony Rutherford (Co Chairs) to An informal chat can also be arranged if preferred by sending an email to this address. 

OCTOBER MONTH OF THE ROSARY: As usual a pilgrim statue will go from house to house to form a rosary chain of prayer. If you would like the statue for a day, please contact Maria on 07576243343. 

LET'S END POVERTY FOUNDING ASSEMBLY 14TH OCTOBER:  We know that poverty in the UK is an avoidable, solvable problem that can be fixed. Will you join us to build the movement towards ending poverty in the UK? Find out more and book your place:  

Healing Service- our next healing service will be on Friday 3rd November at 7pm. If you didn’t attend the first one you missed a very enjoyable, prayerful and reflective hour. All most welcome.  

CATHOLIC YOUTH MINISTRY INTERNSHIPS : Castlerigg Manor (The Lancaster Diocese Youth Service) are looking for young Catholics aged 18-25 to join their Youth Ministry Internship Programme. The scheme lasts for one or two years and gives participants wide ranging experience, skills, training, and qualifications as well as the opportunity to work with a fantastic team based in the Lake District. For more information contact  

Thanks to anyone who supported Memory walk for the Alzheimer’s Society on 18th September £3,380 was raised by members of the Jones family. Your support was  very much appreciated.


Saturday   7th 10.00am Cenacle Mass, followed by Rosary Service at 10.30 for The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

   5.00pm For Bishop Mark and all Church Leaders

Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 8th  9.30am Mary Halpin RIP

11.00am Mary & ErnieTurner (St Luke’s)

  3.00pm Benediction

7.30pm Prayer Meeting

Monday 9th  9.15am Ints Rosemary Larkin

Tuesday 10th  9.15am Ints Mary Kevan

Wednesday 11th  9.15am Miss Philly McLean

Thursday 12th  7.00pm MASS AT ST JOHN’S ONLY

Graham Burnell RIP

Friday 13th  9.15am For all prisoners

Saturday 14th 10.30am Devotions – Rosary, Divine Mercy & Divine Praises

  5.00pm Graham Sabino RIP

Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th   9.30am Theresa Rossiter RIP

11.00am Barry Robinson (St Luke’s)

  7.30pm Prayer Meeting

Weekend Masses - Please note that the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed immediately before each Mass.  Please use this as a time for prayer & quiet devotion. Please enter the church quietly & remain so. Thank you.  



Saturday 7th 6.30pm Natalie Clinton RIP

Twenty Seventh Sunday 8th 11.15am Jack Ulyett 1st Anniv

Monday 9th 12 Noon Mary Mercer RIP

Tuesday 10th 12 Noon Daniel Brett Remb.

Wednesday 11th 12 Noon World Peace

Thursday 12th 7.00pm MASS AT ST JOHN’S ONLY

Friday 13th 12 Noon Betty McNally

Saturday 14th  6.30pm Thanksgiving for prayers answered

Twenty Eighth Sunday   15th 11.15am Jim McAllister 4th Anniv.


 WORD OF GOD: What could I have done for my vineyard that I have not done? I expected it to yield grapes. Why did it yield sour grapes instead? (Isaiah 5:4)

Pope Francis' Intention for OctoberFor the Synod

We pray for the Church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a lifestyle at every level, and allow herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit towards the peripheries of the world.



The Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 15th October, 2023, Cycle A


The Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 1st October, 2023, Cycle A