Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 15th September, 2024. Cycle B

St John the Evangelist

128 Bebington Road,

New Ferry, CH62 5BJ

Diocese of Shrewsbury     (reg. charity 234025)               

Parish Priest:  Fr Mario Ashuikeka

Deacon: Revd Michael Daly   Phone:   0151 645 3314

Email Websites 

Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 15th September, 2024. Cycle B 


Today’s scripture readings have caused much trouble in the past. Martin Luther had no time for St James and his letter, and in fact referred to it as “a work of straw”. The hub of the dispute is about faith and good works. Are we saved simply by faith or do we also need good works to accompany it before we can be saved?

Some people’s faith is almost exclusively intellectual. It’s all in the mind. They can dissect complicated questions of doctrine, hold forth on the divinity and humanity of Christ as well as the complex relationship between the members of the Trinity. There is nothing about the Creed that they don’t know. But it doesn’t make them love God. In fact, some of the most intellectually gifted people remain on a very dry level of faith.

Other people learn all these teachings of faith and understand them but their response is only emotional or cultural. They go into raptures at the sight of a beautiful stained-glass window, a magnificently carved statue of Virgin and Child, or the sonority of a cathedral organ. Their emotions are stirred by “Abide with Me” on Cup Final Day and their sense of cultural propriety is bolstered by the flags and colours of the regiments that hang from the ceilings of some of our churches. But it doesn’t make them love God. In fact, some of them even equate Christianity with their own political leanings.

St James speaks out forthrightly today about the type of faith required if we are to be saved. It must be an active, dynamic faith. It’s true that we’re saved not by our own merits but solely by the grace of God made visible in Jesus Christ. But if faith is the root of the tree of salvation then good works are its fruit. It makes no sense to profess a faith whose primary tenet is love of God and neighbour without showing any evidence that we care at all for our neighbour. Having an active faith shows that we do indeed love God. It shows that our faith is not all talk but is also walk; we get up and do something about it.

It’s a very delicate balance between faith and good works. But, of course, before you can have a balance you need to have two things to weigh.

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: Give peace, Lord, to those who wait for you, that your prophets be found true. Hear the prayers of your servant, and of your people Israel.

RESPONSE TO THE PSALM:  I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION:  Alleluia, alleluia! I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, says the Lord; no one can come to the Father except through me. Alleluia!

COMMUNION ANTIPHON: How precious is your mercy, O God! The children of men seek shelter in the shadow of your wings.


St John’s Junior School children will be joining us for Mass on Tuesday morning. Mass to begin once all children have arrived (between 9am- 9.15am). Thanks for your patience. 

Please note that from this week there will be NO MASS on a Thursday at St Anne’s or St John’s. 

Devotions/Adoration: Saturday Morning Devotions will be prayed in Church (the Rosary, Divine Mercy & Divine Praises) from 10:30am-11:30am. Fr Mario will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation between 11.00am- 11.30am. 

Last Weeks’ Offertory Collection: amounted to £465.17p.  Many thanks for your continued support. 

Retiring Collection-There will be a retiring collection for  Evangelii Gaudium Sunday(formerly Home Mission Sunday).  this weekend  14th /15th September. Please be as generous as you can.  

Christmas Piety Table: Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September.  Items available: Boxes of holy cards, advent calendars, cards, candles and Catholic diaries.  Please help to support our churches.

If you have any queries regarding parish matters or if you wish to arrange a Baptism, Wedding or Funeral please contact Fr Mario on 0151-645 3996.  You can also get in touch with Carol Dalziel on 07808975011 or Ann Murray on 07745490279 regarding  general parish queries. 

SJE’s Parish Safeguarding Officer is Celia Daly, who can be contacted on 0151-645 9256 on all safeguarding matters.  

Mass Intentions   If you would like to have a Mass said for your own or someone else’s intentions , fill in one of the Mass offering envelopes  at the back of Church, place a donation in it & put it through the Presbytery letterbox.  Please give at least three weeks’ notice as we are receiving a large number of requests for particular dates and days. 

In Memoriam:  Christine Clewlow’s funeral will be at St John’s this Friday at 11.30am followed by cremation at Landican’s Centre Chapel at 1.00pm.  Please continue to keep Christine and her family in your prayers. Please pray for all the faithful departed that they may rest in the peace of Christ.  

Children's Liturgy – takes place during the 9.30am Mass. All are most welcome.

Sunday Morning Teas continue on the first Sunday of each month. Come along for tea/coffee & biscuits whilst enjoying a chat.    The next date is SUNDAY 6th OCTOBER.

 St John Plessington Catholic College – will be holding an Open Mornings on Wednesday 18th September at 9am and Tuesday 24th September at 9am. These are suitable for all parents/ pupils in Yr 5 & 6.

Wirral Foodbank Appeal: Please help to support our local Foodbank as much as you can with both food & funds.  All items urgently needed are listed on the notice board at the back of church.  Thank you. 

Confirmation 2024 for St John’s & St Anne’s will be held at St Anne’s on Wednesday 27th November at 7.00pm. We would like to invite all young people in Year 7 and above for the Sacrament of Confirmation.  Preparation will begin on 27th September at 6.00pm-7.30pm in St Anne’s Presbytery.  Please speak to Fr Mario and/or contact St John's by email if you would like to receive this special Sacrament.

St John's Altar Servers:  We are looking for some more altar servers for our Masses & special occasions.  Any boy or girl who has made their First Holy Communion is eligible to become an altar server.  If interested, please have a word with Fr Mario or make contact through the parish email  

Pause for Hope is an ecumenical service for all those suffering from cancer, those caring for family or friends with cancer, and those affected in any way by cancer. This year the service takes place on Sunday 15th September at 3pm in Saint Columba’s church, Chester. It is an opportunity to come together to pray and to support one other.

MEDJUGORJE IRISH CENTRE PILGRIMAGES APRIL - OCT 2024:7 Nights Apartment B&B from €273 (Euros) per person sharing. Airport transfer available on request. Contact us for details and book the dates that suit you. Tel. 020 3239 8662 or website

The Relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis will be visiting St Anthony’s, Wythenshawe, between 20 and 23 September 2024. On the occasion of the visit of the Relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis to the Diocese of Shrewsbury a Youth Vigil is held on Saturday 21st September at Sacred Heart and St Peter, Baguley – M23 1HP for the young adults aged 18 to 35. All  enquiries please contact   Registration for veneration is now open and can be found at

MacMillan Coffee Morning: On Friday 27 th September at St Anne's Parish Centre, Highfield Road, Rock Ferry from 10am to 1pm – Cakes, Raffle, Friendship. £3. All welcome.

October Month of the Rosary:  A pilgrim statue will circulate the parish as usual. If you would like to partake in this Rosary Chain of Prayer, please see Maria Fryer.

MATTHEW (September 21st)  “Matthew” means gift of God. Jesus called the tax-collector Matthew to be one of the apostles and he left his job to follow Jesus who promised gifts that tax money could not buy. St Bede put it very well when he preached a homily about St Matthew: “There is no reason for surprise that the tax collector abandoned earthly wealth as soon as the Lord commanded him. Nor should one be amazed that neglecting his wealth, he joined a band of men whose leader had, on Matthew’s assessment, no riches at all. Our Lord summoned Matthew by speaking to him in words. By an invisible, interior impulse flooding his mind with the light of grace, he instructed him to walk in his footsteps. In this way Matthew could understand that Christ, who was summoning him away from earthly possessions, had incorruptible treasures of heaven in his gift.”


Saturday 14th 10.30am Devotions – Rosary, Divine Mercy & Divine Praises

5.00pm Nicole Packer RIP   

 Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th 9.30am The McLean Family

7.30pm Prayer Meeting

Monday 16th 9.15am For the homeless

Tuesday 17th 9.15am For children in need

Wednesday 18th 9.15am In honour of St Luke- Pray for the sick, health workers and carers.

Thursday 19th   NO MASS

Friday 20th 11.30am Funeral Mass – Christine Clewlow

Saturday 21st 10.30am Devotions – Rosary, Divine Mercy & Divine Praises

  5.00pm For prisoners & their families

Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 22nd  9.30am Jack McGree Anniv.  

7.30pm Prayer Meeting

Weekend Masses - Please note that the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed immediately before each Mass.  Please use this as a time for prayer & quiet devotion. Please enter the church quietly & remain so. Thank you.  



Saturday 14th  6.30pm Margaret McLaughlin (Special Inten)

Twenty Fourth  Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th 11.00am Daniel Brett Anniv.

Monday 16th 12 Noon Innocent Ashuikeka RIP 4th Anniv.

Tuesday 17th 12 Noon Joe Whitty RIP

Wednesday   18th 12 Noon For sick, Health workers & Carers

Thursday 19th   NO MASS

 Friday 20th 12 Noon NO MASS AT ST. ANNE’S

Saturday 21st   6.30pm Billy Rossister RIP

Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 22nd 11.00am June Martin RIP


Pope Francis's Prayer Intentions for September:

For the cry of the Earth. We pray that each one of us will hear and take to heart the cry of the Earth and of victims of natural disasters and climate change, and that all will undertake to personally care for the world in which we live.


As the part of Birkenhead planning for the future, a meeting will be held on 17th September, 7.00pm in at. Werburgh’s Parish Centre, Birkenhead.



Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 22nd September, 2024. Cycle |B


Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, 8th September, 2024. Cycle B