32nd Sunday Ordinary Time Year C

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Seven Brothers – One Wife

We have all heard of the film – Seven Brides for Seven Brothers – but here we have the issue of One Bride for Seven Brothers. And the question is – whose wife is she? Is she married to husband number one, or two, or three, or four or five or six or to the last fellow, number seven. What would you say?

Because the Jewish law on this was very clear. That is what had to happen and it might be stretching imagination that she would be so unlucky as to go through all seven brothers, but according to Jewish law, if this scenario presented itself then it would unfold this way.

It sounds ridiculous and in a way, it is. The Sadducees were a bit like this. They took great pleasure and delight in trying to trick Jesus or to trip him up and often would put issues from the Law to him to counter or contradict his teachings. They were for ever trying to trip him up; to get him to stammer or stutter or to go back on his teachings and look a fool or a charlatan. That was their job. That was their role. That became almost their raison d’etre because they could not allow Jesus to teach what he was teaching because this undermined their way of living. His teachings made them out to be liars and frauds. His teachings highlighted the inequalities that they peddled.

The Sadducees were all for the good life. The good life for the good – for them. For living for today, celebrating for today, for spreading the wealth around – for each other. They certainly didn’t believe in the resurrection or in any life hereafter or in any accountability to God. No – their beliefs were centred on live now, look after yourself and your mates and when we die we will all be judged equally at that point, irrespective of what we have done.

Jesus teachings of love for one another and treating each other with care, with respect, with a genuine appreciation and understanding flew in the face of everything they stood for. Jesus message of compassion and forgiveness was beyond alien to them. What nonsense was this? What trash? What absurdity to be talking of all people being equal? About all people being loved equally by God and that all people should do the same! What a load of poppy-cock?

But when we think about that for ourselves here today, how alien do the Sadducees sound? How out of touch are their views when compared to some of the views we hear being expressed today in our modern and progressive society?

Too often we hear about politicians and those in power looking after themselves and their wants and rights to the exclusion of all others. We only have to look at the BHS stores and pensions disaster led by Sir Philip Green or any of the many politicians who are only too ready to pull up the drawbridge to protect their own rights and ignore those of the millions left downtrodden. It is not about being Labour or Conservative or any other political shading, but about being self-centred; self-righteous; self-led, selfish.

That is what the Sadducees were and they haven’t gone away. They were wrong then and they are wrong now. They had no place in the society that Jesus was promoting and they have none in our society today.

We have to be more than this; more than them. We have to be like Jesus. We have to look around us and see what is right and what is not right and then we have to do something about it. Don’t forget the old saying that - for evil to flourish all that is needed is for good men to do nothing! We cannot afford to do nothing. Look around you and see what is wrong and see where you can do something and then do it or look to see where you can help out. In any way at all and do it.

And to answer my opening question, “Whose wife would she be?” None of them. When we are all dead and rise again to be with our heavenly Father, we will all be His heavenly children, brother and sister alike.

Bidding Prayers

1.      That we always prioritise God in our lives and the showing of His love for us in our dealings with our neighbours. Lord in your mercy

2.      For an increase in vocations to the priesthood, the diaconate and to the religious life to help aid the spread of God’s Holy word. Lord in your mercy

3.      That Church and World leaders recognise the needs of their peoples and work together to resolve them. Lord in your mercy

4.      For all our young people preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation, that they encounter Christ in their preparations and that the Holy Spirit guides them, guards them and always protects them, in their life-journey. Lord in your mercy

5.      For those suffering any form of illness or feeling alone and forgotten that they feel our love through our caring actions. Lord in your mercy

6.      For the recently deceased and for all those who have died in this past year, that they may find eternal rest with the Lord. Lord in your mercy


33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


31st Sunday Ordinary Time Year C