33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

On this Armistice weekend, it is right that we should keep in our hearts and our minds all the people who have died in so many wars and conflicts across the world and across the decades. We should also keep in our prayers the loved ones and broken families that mourn for them. They have all provided lives and examples of service, care and dedication to others.

St Paul speaks about service in our second reading today. He speaks about the need for each one of us to show care and service to our brothers and sisters in everything that we do and in everything that they might need. He emphasises that we must expect nothing for nothing: that we must set ourselves as examples to all others in what we do , in how we do it and in why we do it.

Our role is to serve others: to see where and how we can help them in their daily lives and to do this without any expectation of reward or payment and to do this whatever is going on around us.

Our Gospel reminds us that we must not get lost in the hullaballoo that makes up our world and our daily living; not be drowned in the general messiness of life and confuse this with the ‘end-of-days’ or the final coming of Our Lord.

We must live our lives with a single focus, living the love of God every day and showing His love for me, for us, in how we deal with each other. This means that we live our lives full of love for our brothers and sisters and that we show that love every day in every way that we can.

And the best way that we can is by seeking out ways to serve each other, to offer each other help, sustenance, care and support, every day and in every way that we can. No matter what is going on in our lives or in the general world around us.

We must not get caught up in the latest political scandal or what is occurring in the world of celebrity: or be downhearted over the many natural disasters and occurrences that happen across our world. This is all distraction and make us lose sight of the one truth. God loves me.

God loves me. No matter what is going on around me. God loves me. And this needs to be and to stay as our focus in life. God so loved me that He sent His only Son into the world to save me and all mankind from sin. So how can I show God that I love Him.

Well – I can do that by and through a life of service. Service dedicated to Him and dedicated to those around me. Service that is filled with love and care. Service that does not seek reward or recompense. Service that is centred on seeing how much I can do for others that will help them , will aid them, will support them, will make their lives richer and better and safer.

This weekend we remember all those men and women and children who have died across so many wars and conflicts trying to be of service to their families and friends and to complete strangers. Who have offered up the ultimate gifts of service – their lives. Who have retained a central focus to their lives – love, care and service. Their endurance has won them their lives.

Brother, sister, let me serve you. Let me be as Christ to you. Pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant too.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.



Bidding Prayers

1.      For all who have died across all wars and conflicts in the service and care of others that they might find eternal rest with their Lord. Lor in your mercy

2.      For the families and friends of that have died, that they are comforted by the Lord who wept at the death of His friend Lazarus. Lord in your mercy

3.      That there is an end to war and conflict across our troubles world and return to a time of peace, service and respect for and between all nations. Lord in your mercy

4.      That our young people, preparing for their sacrament of Confirmation, grow to want to be of service within their parish and that they act on this. Lord in your mercy

5.      For all in our parish who are sick or housebound, possibly feeling alone, unwanted and unloved, that they are comforted by our active service and support. Lor in your mercy

6.      For those who have died from within our own parish, especially Joseph Kelly and Geoffrey Williams. Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Lord in your mercy

7.      We ask Our Lady to intercede for us as we now pray together – Hail Mary -


The Feast of Christ the Universal King


32nd Sunday Ordinary Time Year C